The team successfully visualized the atomic structure of CXCR2, a crucial human receptor involved in the progression of cancer and respiratory diseases
The BCI-based robotic hand exoskeleton utilizes a unique closed-loop control system to actively engage the patient’s brain during therapy
New Insights into Hydrogen-Deficient Stars: Study of Planetary Nebula IC 2003 Reveals Key Evolutionary Clues
The cooling effects of trees are complex and vary significantly depending on the context in which they are planted, says researchers
The stories we tell today will define the world that future generations inherit. Will they look back and see a world that acted in time, or...
The ISRO Chairman underscored India's commitment to developing reusable rockets, an initiative that promises to reduce costs and increase the frequency of missions
Hubble first photographed M90 in 1994 using the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2), which produced a distinctive stair-step pattern due to its sensor layout
SpaceX's Starship achieves milestone in ambitious fifth flight test. Meeting thousands of critical criteria set by SpaceX engineers, the booster was caught on its first attempt,...
Mushrooms to the Rescue: UFS Researchers Pioneering Eco-Friendly Water Purification
The research, led by Dr. Asis Bala, reveals that Selegiline, a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor, could be repurposed as an anticancer therapeutic.