When you accidentally touch a thorn, don't you feel the pain and immediately withdraw your hand? How is all this possible?
If the history of learning were to be traced, it would also be a journey into the history of psychology. The two were that much intertwined
Thousands of years ago, Nalanda was burnt to ashes. Today, from those ashes, a new Nalanda is rising. The new campus of Nalanda has been built...
MIT physicists propose that in the first quintillionth of a second, the universe may have produced microscopic black holes with immense nuclear charge.
The newfound celestial body is the second-lightest planet discovered to date.
Three stars circling the Milky Way’s halo came into existence 12 to 13 billion years ago.
At its core, learning is the process of gaining something new. Learning keeps our minds engaged and bodies active. It adds more meaning to our life...
A study conducted in the UK involving thousands of cats has revealed a remarkable finding regarding the longevity of cats.
These remote signals, originating over 13 billion years ago during the universe's infancy, offer insights into the evolutionary paths of the first black holes and galaxies.
Women comprise only 35% of STEM graduates, indicating no improvement over the past decade