As the total solar eclipse becomes visible when it streaks past North America, 'citizen scientists' are at work, beaming radio signals to support scientific experiments.
Strickland helped realize a novel mechanism through which ultrashort and intense laser pulses could be emitted safely.
Joseph Rotblat was once associated with the Manhattan Project, which led to the invention of nuclear weapons. But what made him change his heart to quit...
In 1978, Donald J. Kessler, an astrophysicist, predicted collisions between satellites can get out of hand as their population keeps increasing.
We can't unmix science from politics. They're intertwined.
Shuji Nakamura's journey inventing blue LED is an example of a 'high risk, but high reward' strategy for scientific innovation. Moreover, it lends a sneak-peek at...
A dwarf galaxy appears to have halted star formation. An astrophysicist believes current 'models based on the universe' need to be 'revisited'.
As we enter a new space age scripting history, we may be yet to come to grasps with the politics of space.
To absorb words from a book like a sponge has practical benefits. But is it fanciful?
Meet the enigmatic British physicist who combined quantum mechanics with Einstein’s theory of special relativity.