In this blog post, Ed Publica's Science Editor, Karthik Vinod, skims over some of the state-funded science projects in India that existed before and after independence.
R. Doradus, a star 180 light years away, can fit some 75 suns inside a single one of its convection cells.
Priyamvada Natarajan's contributions in astronomy helped shed light into two major research interests in contemporary astrophysics - the origins of supermassive black holes, and mapping dark...
“This is the kind of discovery you make once in your research life," says Pasquale Panuzzo, an astronomer part of a study which discovered the most...
A recent study suggests that the binary star system, HD 148937, hosted a triplet of stars until a few millions of years ago.
As the total solar eclipse becomes visible when it streaks past North America, 'citizen scientists' are at work, beaming radio signals to support scientific experiments.
A dwarf galaxy appears to have halted star formation. An astrophysicist believes current 'models based on the universe' need to be 'revisited'.
Massive stars in the Orion nebula exert intense radiation pressures to drive gas out from a young star system still forming planets.
A dense seismic network on the moon can help answer longstanding questions on moonquakes.
A white dwarf star was spotted pulling up orbital debris, transfixing the metal fragments with its powerful magnetic field.